When it comes to Lego video games there are plenty of hidden characters and ships to help you along the way. If you are able to utilize the lego cheat codes, you can unlock these items without spending a lot of hard-earned studs.
You can utilize these codes to unlock new characters, such as Admiral Holdo as well as ships that you can then use during space combat gameplay sections. This method unlocks 19 characters and ships, however, each requires a Datacard and a specific amount of studs.
Like previous LEGO video games, you can find these Datacards by locating them across the galaxy. Each glows with gold to make them easier to spot and they are all hidden in various locations that are secret throughout the world. Once you have found the code, you’ll be able to enter it into the Weasley Joke Shop in browse around this site the Diagon Alley hub world to get the items it unlocks.
To enter a cheat-code it is necessary to pause the game and then select the ‘Enter Code’ option from the pause menu. Enter any of the codes listed below to unlock the character, ship, or other item. Certain codes unlock special “holiday” versions of famous characters like Darth Vader wearing his Christmas sweater. They won’t expire so long as the code is used before you leave the pause menu and then return to the main game.
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